Narrative Text | Pengertian, Jenis-jenis, Generic Structure dan contoh Narrative Text

Text bahasa inggris terdiri dari berbagai macam, salah satunya adalah NARRATIVE TEXT. Dalam korikulum KTSP dan K13 jenjang SMP dan SMA terdapat pelajaran tentang text ini. Narrative text termasuk text yang imajinatif. Kenapa demikian??? Kita bahasa di bawah ini.

Narrative Text adalah teks bahasa inggris yang menceritakan suatu cerita yang imajinatif atau hanya khayalan belaka dan tujuannya hanya untuk menghibur pembaca tentang suatu kisah atau cerita.
Tujuan dasar dari narrative text adalah untuk menghibur dan menarik minat pembaca dengan menyajikan cerita atau peristiwa yang memiliki masalah yang menimbulkan konflik dan pada akhir cerita ada resolusinya atau penyelesaian konflik yang berakhir bahagia atau bahkan menyedihkan.

Jenis-jenis narrative text
  1. Fable , Cerita tentang binatang yang digambarkan berprilaku seperti manusia
  2. Fairy, Cerita yang bersifat fantastik, penuh dengan keajaiban
  3. Legends, Cerita rakyat pada zaman dahulu yang ada hubungannya dengan peristiwa sejarah
  4. Etc

Generic tructure
Struktur generik narrative text berfokus pada serangkaian tahapan yang diusulkan untuk membangun sebuah cerita. Dalam narrative text susunan itu meliput:
1. Orientation
( Pendahuluan ) di mana karakter , setting , dan waktu cerita ditetapkan . Biasanya menjawab pertanyaan siapa? kapan? dimana ? Misalnya: Once upon a time, there was a wolf lived in the forest.
2. Complication or problem
Menceritakan awal masalah yang menyebabkan krisis ( klimaks ). Complication biasanya melibatkan karakter utama.
3. Resolution
Akhir dari cerita yang berupa solusi dari masalah. Perlu adanya resolusi dari masalah. Masalah dapat diselesaikan dapat menjadi lebih baik atau malah lebih buruk, bahagia atau sedih . Kadang-kadang ada beberapa komplikasi yang harus dipecahkan. Hal ini menambah dan mempertahankan minat dan ketegangan bagi pembaca nya.
4. Reorientation/Coda
merupakan pernyataan penutup cerita dan bersifat opsional . Bisa berisi tentang pelajaran moral, saran atau pengajaran dari penulis.

Contoh :
      Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl named Cinderella. He lived with his step mother and two sisters. They were arrogant and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her step mother made Cinderella do the hardest job in the house, such as scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing food for the family. Her step sisters, on the other hand, did not work on the house. Their mother gave them many pretty dresses to wear.
      One day, a king invited all girls in his kingdom to attend a ball in his palace. They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. Cinderella could not stop crying after they left.
“Why are you crying, Cinderella?” the voice asked.
She looked up and saw a fairy standing beside her. Then Cinderella told her why she was crying. Well the fairy said, “you’ve been such a cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl that I will see that you go to the ball.” The fairy turned a pumpkin into a coach and mice into a smooth two coach man and footman then tapped Cinderella’s dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown.
      Then he gave her a pair of pretty glass shoes. Now, Cinderella, she said, “you have to leave the ball before midnight”. Then he drove away a wonderful coach. Cinderella had a marvelous time either. She danced again and again with the prince. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door as fast as he could do. In her hurry, one of her glass shoes left behind.
      A few days later, the prince declared that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass shoe. Cinderella’s stepsisters tried on it but it was too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it. In the end, the king’s page let Cinderella try the shoe. She stretched his legs and slipped the shoe on the page. It fitted perfectly. Finally, she was ushered into a magnificent palace and height. The prince were glad to see her again. They married and lived happily ever after.

Penjelasan :
Paragraf pertama berisi Orientation, yaitu pengenalan tokoh-tokoh yang ada pada dongeng Cinderella.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl named Cinderella. He lived with his step mother and two sisters. They were arrogant and bad tempered. They treated Cinderella very badly. Her step mother made Cinderella do the
hardest job in the house, such as scrubbing the floor, cleaning the pot and pan and preparing food for the family. Her step sisters, on the other hand, did not work on the house. Their mother gave them many pretty dresses to wear.

Paragraf kedua berisi Complication, yaitu masalah muncul ketika Cinderella tidak boleh pergi ke pesta dansa (ball).
One day, a king invited all girls in his kingdom to attend a ball in his palace. They were excited about this and spent so much time choosing the dresses they would wear. Cinderella could not stop crying after they left.
“Why are you crying, Cinderella?” the voice asked.
She looked up and saw a fairy standing beside her. Then Cinderella told her why she was crying. Well the fairy said, “you’ve been such a cheerful, hardworking, uncomplaining girl that I will see that you go to the ball.” The fairy turned a pumpkin into a coach and mice into a smooth two coach man and footman then tapped Cinderella’s dress with her wand, and it became a beautiful ball gown.

Paragraf ketiga berisi Resolution, yaitu masalah terpecahkan ketika seorang peri menolongnya.
Then he gave her a pair of pretty glass shoes. Now, Cinderella, she said, “you have to leave the ball before midnight”. Then he drove away a wonderful coach. Cinderella had a marvelous time either. She danced again and again with the prince. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door as fast as he could do. In her hurry, one of her glass shoes left behind.

Paragraf terakhir, berisi Re-Orientation, yaitu akhir cerita yang bahagia dimana akhirnya Cinderella menikah dengan pangeran.
 A few days later, the prince declared that he would marry the girl whose feet fitted the glass shoe. Cinderella’s stepsisters tried on it but it was too small for them, no matter how hard they squeezed their toes into it. In the end, the king’s page let Cinderella try the shoe. She stretched his legs and slipped the shoe on the page. It fitted perfectly. Finally, she was ushered into a magnificent palace and height. The prince were glad to see her again. They married and lived happily ever after.

1. Judul atau title yang sesuai dengan text
2. Alasan munculnya konflik/ Why
3. Ide pokok tiap paragraph
4. Pesan moral yang bisa di ambil dari text
5. Kapan kejadiannya
6. Dimana kejadiannya
7. Bagaimana kejadiannya
8. Siapa karakternya

Contoh soal 1:

Once a fiherman named Batara Guru Sahala lived in Batakland. One day, he caught a fish. To his surprise, he found that the fish could talk! It begged Sahala to set it free. Sahala did accordingly.
      As soon as the fish was free, it changed into a woman. She was so beautiful that the fisherman fell in love with her at once. He asked her to marry him. The woman agreed to marry Sahala. However, she told him that he must never let out the secret that she was once a fish. Sahala promised her that he would not tell anyone about it.
      They were happily married, and had two daughters. Every morning, Sahala went out fishing. His daughters would bring him his lunch. One day, however, instead of bringing
the food to their father, the girls ate it. When Sahala learnt what they had done with
his meal, he got very angry. He shouted at them, saying, “You behaved exactly like the daughters of a fish.”
      The girls did not understand what their father meant. They went home and asked theirmother about it. When they told her what he had said, she was very annoyed. Although Sahala apologized to her later, she would not forgive him for breaking his promise.
      Then, the earth began to tremble, and volcanoes started to erupt. The earth cracked to
form a big hole. People said that this hole became Lake Toba.

1.        Why did the girls’ mother get angry with Sahala?
            A. She broke his promise.
            B. He did not get the food.
            C. She apologized for the daughters.
            D. The girls did not understand him.

What is the main idea of last paragraph?
            A. The earth began to erupt and tremble very hard.
            B. What happened after Sahala broke his promise.
            C. The volcanoes erupted as soon as the earth trembled.
            D. The earth and the volcanoes made a hole for the people.

        What is the moral value of telling the story?
            A. Father has to care all his daughters.
            B. Children must obey their mother.
            C. It is not good to break our promise.
            D. We have to be good with our wife.

Pembahasan :
1. Kunci Jawaban: A
Pembahasan : Dari konteks kalimat, khususnya pada paragraph 4 diketahui adanya kalimata yang memberi alasan mengapa Ibu anak-anak perempuan itu marah pada Sahala. Alasannya adalah karena Sahala tidak menepati janjinya untuk menjaga rahasia mereka. Jadi jawaban soal ini adalah A.

2. Kunci Jawaban: B
Pembahasan : Bila kita baca kalimat-kalimat pada paragraf terakhir maka jelas semuanya menjelaskan apa yang terjadi setelah Sahala tidak menepati janjinya. Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat untuk soal ini adalah jawaban B.

3. Kunci Jawaban: C
Pembahasan : Bila kita baca teks dan pahami isi teks di atas jelas kisah ini diceritakan untuk menyampaikan pesan kalau orang itu tidak baik mengingkari janjinya. Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat untuk soal ini adalah C.

Contoh soal 2 :
Pied-Piper of Hamelin

The town of Hamelin was suffering from a terrible plague of rats. The town council tried everything to get rid of them, but couldn’t. At last, the Mayor promised a big reward to anybody who could put an end to the plague.
      A stranger dressed in bright clothes arrived and said he could rid Hamelin of the rats. At night, the stranger began playing a tune on his flte, drawing all the rats out of the houses and barns and into the river, where they drowned.
      The Mayor would not pay the piper because he said that playing a flte was not worth the reward. He ordered the piper to leave Hamelin.
      But the piper came back one day, and started to play his flte. This time, all the children followed him, and he left the village towards the mountains. Suddenly, a cave opened in the mountain and the piper and all the children went in. The cave closed behind them and the children were never seen again in Hamelin.

1.         How could the stranger rid Hamelin of the rats?
            A. By paying the Mayor.
            B. By dressing in bright clothes.
            C. By closing the cave with the children in it.
            D. By playing a tune on his flte.

2.         What is the main idea of paragraph three?
            A. The Piper came back and the children followed him.
            B. The Mayor would not pay the piper.
            C. A stranger came to Hamelin and wanted to kill the rats.
            D. The town of Hamelin was suffering from a terrible plague of rats.

        What can we learn from the story?
            A. We should keep our promise.
            B. Do not help someone that dissapoint you.
            C. Do not believe in stranger.
            D. We should be careful to children.

Pembahasan :
1. Kunci Jawaban: D
Pembahasan : Secara rinci jawaban pertanyaan diketahui pada kalimat kedua paragraf kedua: ”At night, the stranger began playing a tune on his flte, drawing all the rats out of the houses and barns and into the river, where they drowned”, makajawaban yang tepat D.

2. Kunci Jawaban: B
Pembahasan : Pikiran utama paragraf ketiga adalah wali kota tidak mau membayar the piper, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

3. Kunci Jawaban: A
Pembahasan : Dari teks tersebut kita dapat mengambil hikmah bahwa kita harus menepati janji, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

Contoh soal 3 :
      An Ass and a Fox went into partnership and went out to search for food together. They hadn’t gone far before they saw a Lion coming their way, at which they were both extremely frightened.
      But the Fox thought he saw a way of saving his own skin, and went boldly up to the Lion and whispered in his ear, “I’ll manage that you shall get hold of the Ass without any trouble, if you’ll promise to let me go free.” The Lion agreed to this, and the Fox then rejoined his companion.
     Before long it managed to lead him by a hidden pit, which some hunter had dug as a trap for wild animals, and into which he fell. When the Lion saw that the Ass was safely caught and couldn’t get away, it was to the Fox that he fist turned his attention, and he soon finished him off, and then at his leisure proceeded to feast upon the Ass.

1.         Where did the Fox lead the Ass to?
            A. The Lion.
            B. The trouble.
            C. The pit.
            D. The death.

        What does paragraph 2 tell?
            A. The Fox and the Ass.
            B. The Fox’s evil plan.
            C. The Lion’s hunger.
            D.The Ass’s fool.

       What lesson does the text teach?
            A. If you betray a friend, you’ll trouble yourself.
            B. If you have a friend, you have to be careful.
            C. If you have enemy, never trust him/her.
            D. If you meet danger, go away.

Pembahasan :
1. Kunci jawaban : C
Pembahasan : Dalam “it managed to lead him by a hidden pit“ sudah jelas
bahwa the Fox lead the Ass to the hidden pit.

2. Kunci jawaban : B
Pembahasan : Inti cerita dalam paragraph 2 sudah jelas bahwa ada rencana jahat (evil plan) the Fox untuk menyelamatkan diri dari the Lion dengan
mengajukan the Ass untuk dimakan the Lion.

3. Kunci jawaban : A
Pembahasan : Dalam cerita ternyata rencana jahat the Fox untuk menyelamatkan diri dari the Lion dengan mengajukan the Ass untuk dimakan the Lion tidak berjalan baik. Justru yang dimakan terlebih dulu oleh the Lion adalah the Fox sendiri. Ini berarti jika mau mencelakai orang lain, kita bisa terkena celaka sendiri. Pilihan A yang paling tepat.

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