PERBEDAAN REPORT DAN DESCRIPTIVE: Definisi, generic structure, ciri kebahasaan dan contoh

Artikel ini membahas mengenai perbedaan dan persamaan report text dengan descriptive text. perbedaan dan persamaan tersebut terdiri dari definisi, generic structure, ciri kebahasaan, dan terdapat contoh yang lebih spesifik menjelaskan perbedaan dan persamaannya. Artikel ini diharapkan dapat membantu pembaca memahami apa itu recount, descritive dan juga persamaan dan perbedaannya. 

Report dan Descriptive text adalah keduanya termasuk fakcual texts (Text yang berisi tentang informasi yang nyata)
Perbedaan :
  • Report text adalah factual texts yang menjelaskan, menggambarkan atau mendefinisikan tentang karakter atau sifat suatu objek baik itu manusia, benda, hewan, tempat atau yang lainnya secara umum. Contohnya : manusia, batu, pantai, kucing, dll.
  • Descritive text adalah factual texts yang menjelaskan, menggambarkan atau mendefinisikan tentang karakter atau sifat suatu objek baik itu manusia, benda, hewan, tempat atau yang lainnya secara khusus. Contohnya : seorang siswa, batu gunung, pantai Kayu Angin, kucing kesayangku, dll.
Report dan Descriptive text, keduanya memiliki generic structure yang sama yakni :
  • Identification (Penjelasan pengenalan objek yang akan di jabarkan)
  • Description (Penjelasan lebih rinci dari identification)

Perbedaan :
Pada report text identification dan description dijelaskan secara umum sedangkan descriptive text identification and description dijelaskan secara khusus dan terbatas hanya pada objek tertentu saja.

  • Use of general nouns, maksudnya adalah suatu benda baik itu hidup atau mati yang bersifat umum pada report dan bersifat khusus pada descriptive. (eg report text :hunting dogs, the Cats, our dog, eg descriptive text : my dog, I have a cat, a rose in my garden, etc.
  • Use of relating verbs to describe features yakni dalam grammar disebut juga dengan linking verbs. Seperti to be [is, am, are: present], eg. Molecules are tiny particles.
  • Some use of action verbs when describing behaviour, eg fly, walk, run, etc.
  • Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness yaitu penanda waktu atau frekuensi kejadian yang digunakan seperti: often, usually, always dan lain-lain;

Text Report
           Cats are the most popular pet and can be found everywhere on the earth. They have a Latin name Felis Catus Silvertis. In ancient times, the Egyptians used them as an animal to hunt the rats.
           When they were born, they are blind and deaf. Then, they opened the eyes when they have aged between 8 to 10 days. Furthermore, their sexual hormones are active at the age of 10 to 15 months. On average, they have a weight ranging from 2.5 kg to 7.0 kg. Meanwhile, the length of them is varies, but mostly they can grow from 15 to 30 cm. Cats are lazy animals where they just spend time at home to sleep. However, not all the cats have that such behavior, one of the active cat is “Kucing Kampung” which is the icon of Indonesian cat. Those cats always try to go out and to look for food.
           They can live up to the age of 20 years, and the world’s oldest cat lived about 36 years. Meanwhile, Kucing Kampung which are from Indonesia usually live only between 2 until 5 years. Cats are omnivore because we are very often seeing them eat fish, meat, rice, and even vegetables. Nevertheless, many people also refer them as a carnivore. They have small teeth and claws that are not harmful to humans. But, you have to be careful because a cat bite can cause rabies and their claws are so painful.

Text Descriptive

         I have a cat. It’s name is Meyong. It is an adorable cat. It has white fur. I like to cuddle it because its fur feels soft. Every morning I give it milk. My cat doesn’t like rice, so I give it cat food. It is an active animal. It likes to run around the house. It likes to chase everyone in my house. When it feels tired or sleepy, it usually sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometimes under the table.

Text Report
         Bird is vertebrate animals that have feathers and wings. Birds are the only vertebrate animals which can fly. Birds have thousands of species that spread across the world starting from the smallest birds such as humming bird and the largest birds such as the ostrich. Although birds are the only vertebrates that can fly, there is also a kind of bird that cannot fly like chickens, penguins and ostriches.
        Its body is covered with feathers which have diverse functions and colors. Bird’s beak has also so many different forms adapted to their food. For example, falcons have powerful beaks and sharp used for tearing shreds of meat while the hummingbird has a small beak and long used for sucking honey.
         Bird is a kind of vivar animals. Vivar is the type of animals that reproduce by means of producing eggs. Birds can produce many eggs in every spawn. Before hatching, the egg will be incubated during a specific period of time. For example: chickens incubate its egg for 21 days before hatching.

Text Descriptive 
         I have a parrot named Bejo. Bejo is a parrot that is very active and agile. My parrot has white color and yellow beak. At the back of its head there are parts such as yellow combs.
My parrot love to imitate sound. He can imitate general voices such as hay, how are you, there is a guests, and much more. Bejo is a very tame bird. He does not like peck human. When there are people who approached him, he would jump up and down happily.
Text 1 / Descriptive, no 1-4
          Venice is a city in northern Italy. It has been known as the “Queen of the Adriatic”, “City of Bridges”, and “The City of Light”. The city stretches across 117 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy.
          Venice is world famous for its canals. It is built on an archipelago of 117 islands formed by about 150 canals in a shallow lagoon. The islands on which the city is built are connected by about 400 bridges. In the old centre, the canals serve the function of roads, and every form of transport is on water or on foot.
           You can ride gondola there. It is the classical Venetian boat which nowadays is mostly used for tourists, or weddings, funerals, or other ceremonies. Now, most Venetians travel by motorised waterbuses which ply regular routes along the major canals and between the city’s islands. The city has many private boats. The only gondolas still in common use by Venetians are the Traghetti, foot passenger ferries crossing the Grand Canal at certain points without bridges.
                                                                                     Adapted from:
  1. What does the text tell you about?
    A. Gondola.
    B. Traghetti.
    C. Venice.
    D. Italy.
  2. What transport crosses the Grand Canal for foot passengers at certain points without bridges?
    A. Gondolas.
    B. Traghetti.
    C. Waterbuses.
    D. Lagoon.
  3. From the text we can say that Venice belongs to a city of ….
    A. water
    B. ceremonies
    C. buses
    D. funerals
  4. What does the second paragraph of the text tell us about?
    A. The forms of transport in the world.
    B. The canals and roads that people like to use.
    C. The archipelago that has a lot of islands.
    D. Venice as the world famous for its canals.
Pembahasan :
  1. Pembahasan : Soal menanyakan tentang gambaran umum isi bacaan atau topic bacaan. Berdasar kalimat-kalimat yang ada pada teks, semuanya mengarah atau menjelaskan tentang kota Venice. Ini berarti isi teks secara umum mengenai Venice. Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat adalah C.
  2. Pembahasan : Dari kalimat akhir teks diketahui adanya alat transport yang dipakai untuk menyebrangi Grand Canal yaitu ferry yang bernama Traghetti. Jadi jawaban pertanyaan yang paling tepat untuk soal ini adalah B.
  3. Pembahasan : Dari teks diketahui bahwa orang-orang di kota Venice bepergian menggunakan transport air. Ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kota Venice lebih tepat disebut kota air dibandingkan dengan panggilan yang lain. Jadi jawaban pertanyaan yang paling tepat untuk soal ini adalah A.
  4. Pembahasan : Kalimat-kalimat penjelas dalam paragraf 2 menjelaskan tentang kota venice yang terkenal di dunia karena kanalnya. Jadi jawaban pertanyaan yang paling tepat untuk soal ini adalah D.
Text 2 /Descriptive, for no. 5-8
          This is my favorite artist. Her full name is Robin Rihanna Fenty. She is a famous singer in the world. She was born on 20 February 1988 in Saint Michael, Barbados.
           Rihanna has small family. There are 5 people in her family. They are her father, mother, and 2 siblings. Her father’s name is Ronald. Her mother is Monica Fenty. Her siblings are Rorrey and Rajad.
           Rihanna likes modelling. She has ever won modelling contest, Miss Combermere. She also loves fashion style. Her hair style changes quite often. Sometimes she performs with curly hair. But, in another chance she appears in straight hair with different colour.
           Rihanna is a very success RnB singer. She has won many awards such as Grammy Award and American Music Award. Her songs are known well through the world; Only Girl (In the World), What’s My Name?, Unfaithful, Umbrella, Love the Way You Lie, for instance.

  1. What often changes in Rihanna’s appearance?
    A. Her name.
    B. The family.
    C. Her hair style.
    D. Her music genre.
  2. The textis written to....
    A. tell about the life of Rihanna
    B. show how to be a famous artist
    C. describe an artist, Rihanna
    D. list Rihanna’s albums
  3. “They are her father, mother, and 2 siblings.” (Paragraph 2) The underlined word refers to ….
    A. small family
    B. five people
    C. her father and mother
    D. two siblings
  4. What is the text mainly about?
    A. Rihanna’s childhood.
    B. Rihanna’s achievement.
    C. Rihanna’s family.
    D. Rihanna’s life story.
Pembahasan :
  1. Pembahasan : Dalam paragraf ketiga disebutkan bahwa gaya rambutnya sering berubah-ubah. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah C.
  2. Pembahasan : Teks tersebut berbentuk descriptive. Orang menulis teks descripive tujuannya adalah untuk mendeskripsikan seseorang, suatu benda, atau tempat yang spesifi. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah C.
  3. Pembahasan : Dari kalimat sebelumnya ”There are 5 people in her family,” maka kata theydalam kalimat di atas merujuk pada 5 people. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah B
  4. Pembahasan : Secara keseluruhan teks tersebut menceritakan tentang Rihanna atau nama lengkapnya Robin Rihanna Fenty. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah D.
Text 3/ Report, for no. 9-11
          A galaxy is a collection of stars and other astronomical bodies, including planets, comets and asteroids, held together by gravity.
          There are many different physical forms and measurements of galaxies. These include the spiral, barrel-spiral and elliptical. Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is approximately 100,000 light years in width and contains over 100 billion stars.
          The centre of galaxies can contain many young, very hot stars as well as older stars. Swirling clouds that have been energized by magnetic forces also exist in the centre.
           At this point in time, no one knows the exact number of galaxies in the universe. Astronomers are, however, learning more and more about them everyday.
                               Adapted from Text Types in English 3, Macmillan Education Australia PTY LTD

  1. What does the text mainly talk about?
    A. Stars and other astronomical bodies.
    B. The galaxy physical forms.
    C. The galaxy centre.
    D. Galaxies
  2. From the text we know that ….
    A. gravity holds galaxies together in this universe
    B. the number of our universe is limited in size
    C. astronomers cannot study about galaxy anymore
    D. there are some forms of galaxies that we know
  3. “Our galaxy, called the Milky Way, is…” (paragraph 3)
    What does the underlined word in the sentence refer to?
    A. The writer and the readers.
    B. The readers and their friends.
    C. The people of the world.
    D. The members of the galaxies.
Pembahasan :
  1. Pembahasan : Bila kita baca teks dan pahami isi teks di atas jelas secara umum membahas tentang galaxies. Jawaban lain ada yang terlalu umum dan ada yang terlalu sempit. Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat untuk soal ini adalah jawaban D.
  2. Pembahasan : Bila kita baca tiap jawaban dan kita sesuaikan dengan isi teks maka hanya jawaban A yang benar. Jawaban yang lainnya salah. Jadi jawaban yang paling tepat untuk soal ini adalah jawaban A.
  3. Pembahasan : Arti kata “our” dalam konteks ini adalah kita bukan kami. Bila demikian maka yang dimaksud adalah si penulis dan si pembaca teks ini, bukan yang lain. Jadi jawaban soal yang paling tepat untuk soal ini adalah jawaban A.
Text 4/ Report, for no. 12-14   
          The culture of Asia is human civilization in Asia. It features different kinds of cultural heritage of many nationalities, societies, and ethnic groups in the region, traditionally called a continent from a Western-centric perspective, of Asia. The region or “continent” is more commonly divided into more natural geographic and cultural sub regions, including Central Asia, East Asia, North Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and West Asia. Although Asia is not a distinct continent geographically, there has been little unity or common history for many of the cultures and peoples of Asia. Asian art, music, and cuisine, as well as literature, are important parts of Asian culture. Eastern philosophy and religion also plays a major role, with Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam all playing major roles. One of the most complex parts of Asian culture is the relationship between traditional cultures and the Western world.
          Other cultural differences throughout Asia are Asian people’s adaptations to the climate zones of Asia, subtropical or tropical. The ethnic groups have adapted to mountains, deserts, grasslands, and forests. On the coasts of Asia, the ethnic groups have adopted various methods of harvest and transport. Some groups are primarily hunter-gatherers, some practice transhumance (nomadic lifestyle), others have been agrarian/rural for millennia and others are becoming industrial/urban. Some groups/countries of Asia are completely urban (Singapore and Hong Kong). The colonization of Asia was largely ended in the twentieth century, with national drives for independence and self-determination across the continent.
                                                                 Adapted from
12. What is the text about?
      A. Continent of Asia.
      B. Eastern philosophy and religion.
      C. Ethnic groups throughout Asia.
      D. Cultures of Asia.
13. From the text we know that....
      A. the cultures and peoples of Asia are the same
      B. Eastern philosophy and religion play a major role in Asian culture
      C. there is no relationship between traditional cultures and the Western world
      D. the ethnic groups cannot adapt to mountains, deserts, grasslands, and forests
14. “Although Asia is not a distinct continent geographically, ....”(Paragraph1) What does the underlined word mean?
      A. United.
      B. Prominent.
      C. Convergent.
      D. Different.
Pembahasan :
  1. Pembahasan : Teks tersebut berisi tentang kebudayaan Asia, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah D.
  2. Pembahasan : Dalam paragraf pertama dinyatakan bahwa filsafat timur dan agama memainkan peran yang penting dalam kebudayaan Asia. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah B.
  3. Pembahasan : Secara kontekstual makna kata tersebut adalah different, maka jawaban yang tepat D.

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